


A Catalyst for Change – Skilled Keynote Speaker, TEDx Alum, and Strategic Consultant.

Sherida's impact extends far beyond the stage. Through her podcast, "GYaff with G.O.L.D.R.U.S.H.", she amplifies voices and explores the rich tapestry of Guyanese culture, inspiring listeners to embrace their heritage and drive change. Her advocacy work has been recognized with prestigious awards, including the Young Leader for Change award from The All Stars Project in 2014. Additionally, her alma mater has honored her twice, with induction into multiple halls of fame in 2020, including the esteemed Blue and Gold Hall of Fame, reserved for only 12 critical change-agents each year, for making extraordinary and sustained contributions to The College of New Jersey and a lasting impact on the student experience.

Furthermore, Sherida's dedication to empowerment has garnered national recognition, earning her a place among the Forbes 30 Under 30 Scholars in 2019. Whether through keynote presentations, panel discussions, or written essays, Sherida's vision for a more equitable and sustainable world shines through, guiding her as she continues to trailblaze paths toward a brighter future.

Equity in Action

Dedicated Leader in Global Empowerment

Sherida is a passionate advocate for global equity and empowerment.

As the founder of an international nonprofit, she spearheads initiatives to foster cross-cultural understanding and drives positive change worldwide.

From sustainability and ethical business practices to amplifying the voices of marginalized communities, Sherida is dedicated to making a difference on a global scale.

Additionally, as a strategic consultant, Sherida offers personalized guidance to organizations navigating today's challenges, driving growth, and maximizing impact in a constantly evolving landscape.

Join her on this journey of empowerment.

Highlighted Partnerships and Engagements